Nifty future has large intraday moves and if we look at the monthly ATR you will notice ATR at 500 so in worst case scenario a trader can make 200 points profit in a month. So calculation is quite simple, let me do it for you one lot of nifty future will cost about Rs.30,000 so you need at least 600 points to make Rs.30,000 i.e. 50*600 = 30,000. Our target will be to make 200 points monthly on nifty future for 3 months; this is trick to simply double your trading capital. Two or three positional trades are enough to meet that target or 8 intraday trades of 25 points profit will also do that. You may use short term trading strategies in nifty future and nifty options which we have discussed earlier. If you wish to learn technical analysis from your home itself, do call me on +91-9970777789, Each and every trading strategy explained on live charts.
I am a newbie and just entered in equity and i wann learn nse to make money for my education
Charges for this ????
There are no charges. we dont provide tips.